Ryan Sauvé

Ryan Sauvé brings additional DJing depth to an already star filled lineup. He completes the trifecta of awesomeness that is High Fidelity Entertainment. In addition to Djing, his responsibilities not only include picking up tea and biscuits every morning for Rémi and Sean but also devising the marketing strategy that ultimately brought you to this very web page.

Contrary to popular belief, Ryan is not a product generated from some socially questionnable union between Sean Ryan and Rémi Sauvé (although all of us do support same-sex marriage). What he is is a pragmatic idealist who, like most of us, is trying to find his purpose in this world. This, however, doesn’t discount the fact that a coincidence of enormous proportion was strong at work when the DJing universe unravelled itself.

Ryan and Rémi are actually “brothers from the same mother” so it’s only natural that they would both genetically inherit not only similar intolerances to whiskey but also the ability to energize a crowd with nothing but an air guitar and a little Journey.

When Ryan’s not DJing, he’s either filming out of helicopters or researching the long term effects of using the peanut butter solution as a substitute for Propecia and Rogaine.